www.davemerrill.com | visual storytelling
As a freelance data journalist, Dave has worked for clients as varied as The Pentagon, National Geographic and BET
Here's How America Uses Its Land
Northeastern University campus map
Book and Magazine Art
Here's How America Uses Its Land
One of Richard Saul Wurman's 20 original Information Architects, Dave Merrill is an award-winning data journalist, graphic artist and cartographer. With more than 30 years experience at Bloomberg News, USA Today and U.S. News and World Report, Dave excels in visual storytelling
Recent Projects
Most read Bloomberg feature ever
How do Americans use their land? A series of 13 unique 8,000-pixel maps in a distinctive, scrolling web experience.
A mash-up of the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service and the Interior Department’s National Land Cover database, the final product is a compelling analysis of our 2 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures.
The story was featured on Slate Gabfest radio hour, became the subject of museum exhibit at the U.S. Botanical Garden and won gold at the 2018 Information is Beautiful Awards. The material has become part of college and high school curriculum across the U.S.
Virginia Heritage Site, National Historic Landmark
As you walk the Blue Ridge Tunnel Trail, near Afton, Va., you cross under the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap into the Shenandoah Valley of central Virginia. On this hike, you will pass ten placards on the history of the tunnel, how it was built by Irish laborers, slaves and chief engineer, Claudius Crozet.
We worked with the Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation to create the maps for the interpretation placards along the approaches of the Tunnel.
Economic Factors Driving Change
The energy transition involves economic, social, political and geographical reconfigurations. Dave Merrill has covered energy and land use at Bloomberg for over 10 years. Story graphic subjects include nuclear fusion, aging nuclear reactors, transmission line bottlenecks, wind and solar siting, pipeline construction.
The Financial Crisis Explained
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was a ten-member commission appointed by Congress with the goal of investigating the causes of the U.S. financial crisis. We worked with commission staff and a web team to create these graphics to augment witness testimony. The graphics are part of the Commission's final report